Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Final Countdown

Today begins the countdown to the end of my 20's. Six months from now, I will be 30. It's my unbirthday. I'm not too worried about it at the moment. I've sent out a few forerunners, and they say it ain't so bad.


If you feel so inclined, you can start saving for gifts. I will get a wishlist going soon. But know that I like things that shine and sparkle. And things that involve plane tickets. So yeah- saving up would be appreciated.

And could someone get on a countdown chain? You know, rip one off each day till the Big Day. That'd be great. Thanks.

After all, it's my birthday.


Naomi said...

Plan on Thailand next summer. It will be a celebration of the 30 Club, plus I will be a full-fledged Doctor. Two reasons to celebrate!

user said...

Your thirties will be even better than your twenties! I love my thirties so far, although I am a little freaked by the prospect of entering my "mid" thirties soon. "Early Thirties" is one thing; "Mid Thirties", I might have to reassess my enthusiasm for this decade of life.

Do you have something fabulous planned for your big day?

(And yes, I believe Thailand would qualify as fabulous!)

becky said...

As a "forerunner" I would reccommend that you not be left unattended the week OF... I was left to my own whims of fancy without a friend near enough to knock some sense into me, and now I am sporting the shortest haircut of my life -and have been forced to spend oodles of money on hair "product" to keep me from looking like my brothers- because seriously, I think their hair is longer than mine!! bright side -I have a "travel certificate" good to any place of my choosing... I had thought about a relaxing spa getaway in Mexico- until you enlightened me... any ideas or traveling buddies are much appreciated! =)

Maursupial said...

Yeah, I'm working on that birthday paper chain AS WE SPEAK!! You know me. . . I can't get enough of construction paper and glitter glue.

Jillian said...

Oh Becky....I wish I had been able to have been there for you! I would have totally gone out of my way to stop the chop!

We really do need to revisit the vacation plan!