Monday, November 29, 2010

Unimportant Epiphanies

I don't know if this just underlines the fact that I tend to keep one eye on the dull and grey even while staring directly at the silver lining (because really, who actually likes surprises?)  but I had a bit of an epiphany this morning. 

Eventhough I am bored and single......and bored with being single. I am SO FREAKING GLAD that I am not in the midst of a break-up and/or heartbroken right now. I used to think that boredom was the worst feeling in the world. However, in light of my age and a bit of hard earned wisdom, I see how foolish that really was. Boredom isn't that bad.

Theoretically, you can get a lot done when you're bored.

My sock drawer is out of control organized right now. I'd almost go as far as to say it is the nearing the stuff of legends, really.


Tera said...

I think a better epiphane would be to realize you have plenty of socks. Don't buy anymore socks. Serioulsy, who owns that many socks?....Am I missing out on something? Maybe I need more socks.

Jillian said...

Maybe I should have mentioned that the image is stolen from a google image search. My sock/unmentionables drawer (as I'm sure you can imagine) is not nearly as colorful.

I think that must be the sock drawer of a 12 year old girl with an OCD mother.

Maursupial said...

This post has inspired me to clean out and organize my closet. Maybe.

Jillian said...

That's the thing with boredom. There's always tomorrow.

mintifresh said...

I am always grateful for my boredom! It just means I am not dealing with crazy crap. There are some people it seems like it's one thing after another.

I'm sure your sock drawer is thanking you! :)

amber said...

Ohmigosh...I'm such a nerd that I love your sock drawer. As Mindi and Megan would attest, I am an organizing addict. So much for boyfriends or husbands, organization brings MUCH happiness :) I'm a serious dork! Here's a link for you. My favorite thing to organize my sock drawer, my kids' socks AND their underwear. ENJOY!

Rachael said...

Oh-I thought those were your socks and was shocked and amazed at the color! Mine are all work out socks! And dingy white! I am a flip flop girl 24/7/365...except to work out and go to church!

Michelle said...

I was about to say...I don't think I've ever seen you wear any of those socks!!!