I miss the time when "Who we are" was something that was dynamic. That was (and should) be changed, improved upon and modified as we grew and matured. After this week at work, and this? I am slowing losing faith in us as humans.
Again, I ask....Who raised these people? Certainly not even wolves...even they teach respect and appropriate behavior/communicaition. Hmmmmm maybe we should join ourselves with a pack of quad-rapeds and start taking some serious notes. Maybe work together on a task force of some sort.
On a similar note, I saw a news article the other day that asked the question "are we as a society becoming less civil?" When people were asked this most said, "yes." However, when people were asked if they themselves were less civil they said, "no, the 'other' guy is." Hmmmmmmm, it's always easier to blame someone else.
I saw the same news article and there was a series on incivility on the Today show all last week too.
But I agree. It's people like this that make me wish I lived in an earlier time, despite the fact they had no plumbing!
And on top of it all, she's a teacher. I'm ashamed and worried that she is in charge of other peoples children.
I stopped watching this season, and she was one the big parts of that. I couldn't believe her behavior, the attitude. Ridiculous that it's so accepted these days.
I hate when people say they are who they are and they don't have to learn new ways or listen to others. It's like they think that they're fighting social pressures or oppression but really it's just a cop out for being a douche!
I think people should always stay true to themselves, but to keep growing, maturing, learning and improving!!!
This is why I can't watch MOST reality TV. It's so depressing and disheartening.
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