On his left cheek bone is inked the Pittsburgh Pirate’s ‘P’, “for the Pittsburgh, that’s my favorite team. Barry Bonds, when he first started.” The thing about the P is, however, that it’s backwards and looks more like a 9. DeShawn tried to explain, “No, if you’re standing where Dom’s standing and looking at me, it looks like a P.” Dominic McGuire was standing directly in front of him about 10 yards away, but it still looked like a 9. I think DeShawn meant to say, “when I look in the mirror it looks like a P.” The final new tat is a crack on the left side of Stevenson’s forehead. He said it’s because “I don’t crack. I feel like people always try to break me, but I don’t crack. So, I put that there. --Washington Times--
A prime example of what happens when a person has more money than brains.
Good thing he's not paid for his genius! hahahha
As long as he wins basketball game, I don't care where or what the man's tatts are.
I know Mindi-I think his bank statements would look very different if he were getting paid for smarts.
Joy- It's not so much the tattoo's that I care about, it's the explanations that I find hilarious.
oh dear.....
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